From the new government plan in considering the use of social media tools to improve its digital services for UK citizens,West African Development (WAD) service provides more than just a ‘quick fix’ and the work we do is centred on helping people raise their skills, and confidence for life. Our support means that people can get on the right path to have successful lives. It means that they know how to access the services that are available to them. With language (ESOL) and basic computer skills training to people will help to open boundaries in between communities to access the current and new services to more people. For example, Immigration information online services, Housing online services, Jobs Centre and Benefit online service, NHS health online service, Education and School for Family and children online services, to mention few. Because West African Development (WAD) work closely with individuals they can develop and gain confidence so that they can begin to deal with some issues themselves.
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From the requests from our community member to be involve in other activities and the positive idea of some members who experienced stress and finding difficulties leaving kids and young people with no activities during a school holiday. The majority of our community memberships are facing the same problem due to financial hardship parent cannot afford taking children away during the holiday time and also working parent during the school holiday find it difficult to leave children alone with no activities. West African Development (WAD)organize a special holiday activities program and provide children and youth with activities like: Arts and Craft, Hair weaving, Drumming and Dancing, Sport and Football and Trips.Thanks to our partners, you can find ties online to suit every preference and budget, from budget to top-of-the-range super stylish models.